Embodied Intimacy, Transformative Inquiry, Creative Emergence

The Deep Alignment Session

Does this path have a heart?
If it does, the path is good; if it does not, it is of no use.

(Don Juan Matus)

How do you align yourself with what is deep, essential, and alive, in the core of who you are? How does this alignment give you the courage and clarity you need to follow your authentic inspiration, your true motivation?

winding path up stone steps

When you align with your essential being, you can stay grounded, and connected to the deep wisdom of your heart, in the midst of all this turbulence and change. You can find your own way, and stick to it, because your path has a heart.

Connecting with the greater field of energy & intelligence

This 90 minute session is designed to take you through a whole process of grounding, inquiring, listening, and receiving. The opening and attunement that happens during this time allows you to receive a much bigger picture of what is going on, under the surface events of your life. It carries you into a larger view, a perspective that re-organizes your priorities and your choices. Using a ‘systemic’ approach to transformation, you can step into a deep field of energy and intelligence. This field is always available, if you learn how to receive the information it is offering to you, through the body, the feelings and your intuitive intelligence.  As you make contact with this larger field,  you can access a level of intelligence, support and compassion that changes your relationship with yourself, with others and with life.


Valley & Mountains with River

The Shared Space of Presence

How do you access this field of information, clarity and wisdom?  This happens inside the container we create together during this session.  During this time we spend together, you are given a space in which you can slow down,  ground your energy, and rest in a place of deep presence.

In this shared space of presence and inquiry, you discover a fundamental sense of well being. From this place of well being you can begin to ask a different kind of question.

From this place of deep receptivity and open fluidity, you receive clarity about your natural capacities, your deeper motivation, and how to operate in alignment with your core intelligence. You begin to recognize and awaken the gifts that are an essential part of who you are.

Transforming The Way You Relate to Life

You have a core energetic, a natural way of being in the world, that flows through everything you do.  Until you awaken to your core sense of self, your way of being is unconscious, a deeply habitual pattern that governs your attitudes, perceptions and actions. When your core energetic is illuminated, you can begin to rest in  this  authentic, natural, creative way of being. You discover how to soften, and let go of the defences that have been keeping you separate, small, and cut off from your own deep resources.

A Life Changing Conversation

Most of the time we focus on what appears to be happening, on the surface level of our lives. We talk about behaviour, needs, problems, patterns, insights, and choices. It’s important to look at these things, but we can get stuck here, in a conversation that is no longer serving us. We just keep circling around and around, without knowing how to dive into a deeper and more radical conversation. A life changing conversation.

Aligning with Your Life Cycles

weather vortex

There is a natural rhythm governing the movement in your life. You pass through different cycles as you develop and evolve.

This session will reveal key aspects of how you can operate in harmony with the energy of your current cycle. When you co-operate with the energy of where you are in your life cycle, many possibilities open up, and the sense of struggle is greatly diminished.

You have an experience of how the river of your life wants to move, and how you can co-operate with that deeper flow.  You find a much more spacious way of relating to the obstacles you have been struggling with, as your life energy begins to flow.


The Freedom to Be Yourself

People often experience a deep feeling of freedom and relief after a session like this. There is a sense of no longer being alone, of being held in some mysterious way by life, by a greater intelligence. And a feeling that you are free at last, to be yourself, to find your own way, to live your own life.


What You Receive

Depending on where you are in your life and what is appropriate for you, the session includes energy work, a guided meditation, and specific inquiries, dialogues, and invocations.

You’ll receive a recording, and notes from the session.

You will also be guided on how to create structures and practices to support what emerges.

A 90 minute session, on skype, phone or in person, is $150.00 CAD, including GST, for people who live in Canada.



“I have this gentle optimism towards the rest of my life. I’m taller, I can feel it.” Kathleen Turner, Golden Lake, Ontario.

“Having someone witness and honour the energies I was in contact with was reassuring. Some of your input was very illuminating.” Jules Shakira, Australia

“Shayla – for me you always point to the open door, the door out to the country where I’m not afraid to be what I can be.” Bill Moore, Nelson BC

“I have received information and understanding about how my patterns work, how healing works, how I work on various levels. Integration, strength, trust – most of all in myself.” Ursula Schantz, Wynlaw, BC

“It feels like I am slowly emerging from a self-imposed exile of my beauty, creativity and authenticity.” Joe Thorley, Blewitt, BC

“It is like coming back to myself. All the energy, excitement, fire, joy, freedom came back all at once, I feel grounded, expanded.” Virginie Bassie, Nelson BC

To register for this session, please fill out the form below.